Spreading the Sparkle - Welcome!

Spreading the Sparkle - Welcome!

Welcome to our Karia Community Page! I'm excited to share our first post and I hope the reads are fun, helpful and maybe even funny. Here you will be able to find out more about Karia, new jewelry and events, also and explore interesting topics related to the diamond industry and jewelry trends. 

I’m Kyla Kenney Ruane, the Co-Founder of Karia Diamonds and will be the voice of the community page. We're kicking this off so could be more connected to our clients and provide a personal connection to our brand, that so many companies lack today. Especially as you’re searching for jewelry and investing in diamonds, we get that it’s tough to trust a new company. But me and my partner, Dhrumil Rangani or Dru as we call him, are two real people, working, designing, dreaming, arguing (hehe) and driving this business that we are truly passionate about! 

A little about me, first I’m a Mom of two to my son, Declan (age 10) and my daughter, Caroline (age 8 and soon to be 9!). They keep me busy with school, sports, dance, dinner requests, playdates, laundry and more, but they are my world. I’m recently divorced and when we’re together, I really value our time together. Starting a business at this time has been rewarding and tricky, but I love showing my kids that women and Moms can do anything they put their minds to! My son is so excited about Karia he actually gave me $13 of his Christmas money to invest in the company! He’s officially a shareholder! My daughter is more excited about trying on the jewelry and we even named some pieces after her and her brother. 

One of the reasons I was excited to start Karia, was I would be able to purchase my own jewelry. In the past my jewelry had been purchased by my husband, and I didn’t foresee myself buying natural diamonds on my new budget. When I met Dru, and he introduced me to the world of lab grown diamonds, I was immediately intrigued and impressed! I thought it would be amazing to offer women of all ages, demographics and income access to stunning and ethical diamonds! Even single and divorced women! So here I am, about six months into launching Karia Diamonds! 

My background is in public relations and marketing and Dru’s expertise is in finance, so we make a good pair with unique backgrounds. But Dru also brings his family’s 50 years in the diamond business to Karia! The Rangani family started out in natural diamonds in Surat, India but now they grow our beautiful diamonds for our custom jewelry. Over the years the family has transitioned mostly to lab grown because customers love LGD, they are also ethical and amazing quality! So while we’re a new company, A LOT of expertise and history comes with our brand. 

Thanks for reading our first post and I hope you’ll visit us again as we share more about lab grown diamonds and keep you up on company news. 

Keep Sparkling! 


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