With every purchase of a Karia Diamond you are supporting Chaiim–women survivors who are victims of traficking and rebuilding their life. When you wear a Karia Diamond you’re choosing ethically grown lab-grown diamonds and a mission to support women who are “Growing to Sparkle.”

Karia’s has chosen to have its jewelry bags hand stitched by Chaiim Humanitarian Clothing, whose workers are women survivors of human trafficking. Chaiim’s vision is to rehabilitate women by giving attention to Rehabilitation and Restoration. In order to continue its mission and vision, Chaiim Foundation formed Chaiim Humanitarian Clothing, a garment production house in Mumbai, which provides women survivors with dignified working opportunities and a path to freedom. ​

As a humanitarian business company, Chaiim Humanitarian Clothing celebrates women survivors, not “trafficked women,” with 95% of the positions are held by women, in fact, mission-critical departments are all led by professionally skilled women leaders.

All profits from Chaiim Humanitarian Clothing are used exclusively for the social wellbeing of the survivors and rehabilitation programs, so that in the future even more women will have the opportunity to choose freedom.